Monday, 1 February 2010

Things 5 & 6

Now, fellow "23ers", please don't laugh. I had noticed those orange RSS feed buttons on lots of web pages & studiously ignored them because *I* thought they were links to noisy audio files ("R" for *radio*!) , which do not go down well with readers in the hallowed silence of the Bod's reading rooms. Got that well wrong didn't I?
Anyway, now I know what they are, I have subscribed to 6.
Early thoughts?
Lots of rubbish (as ever) to wade through if you search using Google Blog Search. Example, a search for "Virago" (as in Virago publishing)found good stuff like "Verity's Virago Venture" but also brought up an alarming thing called "Chesty Virago" which I would *not* recommend to the easily startled!:)
I am now going to start playing with my feeds (quietly ;)).


  1. Good stuff Alison. I'm afraid it does take time to wade through the rubbish but hopefully the joy of finding some interesting and entertaining feeds with outweigh that.

  2. I think they're handing for keeping up to date with all of one's favourite blogs, but can be a bit overwhelming.

    I'm a bit scared by your mood indicator Alison!

  3. I'm a big pussycat really :)

  4. Who cares about the Cheltenham Gold Cup!
